Follow Your Dreams & They Will Have You Do The Unthinkable!

Friday, November 5, 2010

In Her Own Words

This section of My Fitness Solution is dedicated to one of our hard working clients, who shows courage and dedication in their commitment to getting and staying fit. This month we salute Claudette Clemmons. Please read her story below:


Below is the testimony of Claudette Cambell a My Fitness Solution member, enjoying life with MS. Claudette was featured in the May edition of Body Talk, but we thought her story was worth being told in her own words, so that she may be an inspiration to others.



It began with one sentence. “Claudette, you have Multiple Sclerosis.” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I had been going to doctors for 4 years attempting to find out what was wrong with me. So having a diagnosis was a relief. On the other hand, finding out you have a chronic disease of the central nervous system was devastating. Oh, I failed to mention that I was also fat and in my fifties! During the 4 years leading up to my diagnosis, I had seen my body become weaker. I was depressed. I was having tremors in my right hand. It seemed like every day, I fell or tripped. When I walked, I looked drunk and had to use a cane. My speech was slurred. And the fatigue was overwhelming. All I could do was go to work, come home and go to bed. I felt life was not worth living and my condition appeared to be worsening. Then something wonderful happened. I met Fadi Malouf. Actually, my daughter, Kellee Haas, gave me Fadi as a Christmas present. She gave me 3 months of personal training with a guy that has helped change my quality of life.



Kellee is the owner of North Georgia Dance and Music Factory in Dacula. When she told me she was working with a personal trainer my response was WHY? You dance 40-50 hours a week. You don’t need a trainer. You are already fit. Because of our busy schedules, Kellee and I did not see each other for about 3 months. When I did see her, the difference was noticeable, She looked awesome. Shortly after that, Kellee asked me if I would just try working with Fadi. I felt that I certainly did not have anything to lose. I started working with Fadi the last week of January 2004. It was a struggle, but with his encouragement, I knew that we could make things better. I began walking 5 minutes each day increasing 5 minutes each week until I reached 60 minutes daily. It is now a ritual. I do 60 minutes of cardio daily, before breakfast. (Okay, almost every day) Fadi works with me 2 days a week.



The results are unbelievable. I no longer use my cane. I have lost over 40 pounds. I feel better, I look better, I am happier. My quality of life has improved 200%. My doctors are thrilled with my transformation.



Fadi and I both know and understand that I have to be trained differently. My MS is remitting/relapsing which means that I have flare-ups occasionally. I have to take terrible drugs that affect my strength. Also, Heat is devastating to a MS patient and if I push too far, it takes me days to recover. Fadi is always there, urging me on, altering my workout to whatever my condition is that day. He has even been known to call and check on me.



My goal now is to lose more weight and become stronger. I want to be FIT in my fifties. I hate to think where I would be today, if I had not taken the first step into Fadi’s care. . What he has done for me is truly a miracle.



Thank you, Fadi.



Exercise and Multiple Sclerosis

Should you exercise with MS? That is a question often asked by people when diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Actually, according to an article from WebMD, “exercise can help ease the symptoms of MS”. As with starting any other fitness program, you should check with your physician before starting and remember not to overdo it. You must be careful not to overstrain and already sensitive muscular system.



Below are some helpful tips for safely exercising with MS:



  1. Start your fitness routine by warming up and end by cooling down.
  2. Start slowly and with small sessions, and work your way up.
  3. If balance is a problem, make sure you are working out near a rail or bar.
  4. Do not try to be superman or woman, Stop if you feel sick or hurt.
  5. Have Fun! Select an exercise that you enjoy! Some common ones for people with MS include, water aerobics, swimming, tai chi, and yoga.

Posted via email from askfadi's posterous

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