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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Massive Arm Workout for the Beach!


My last day of a 3 day week. Have lots to do but I wanted make sure I shared my workout and morning breakfast with you.


Warm up: Abs/Full Body
  • Double crunch straight arm/leg        10 lb 4 x 15
  • Double crunch                                 10 lb 4 x 15
  • Double crunch low raise                   10 lb 4 x 15
Round 1: Biceps & Triceps
  • Alternating Dumbbell Curls              1 x 10 warm up + 4 x 6 Supersets
  • Overhead Cable Extensions              1 x 10 warm up + 4 x 6 Supersets
Round 2: Biceps & Triceps 
  • Preacher Curls                                   4 x 6 Supersets
  • Straight Bar Skull Crushers               4 x 6 Supersets
Round 3: Biceps & Triceps 
  • Incline Dumbbell Curls                     4 x 6 Supersets 
  • Close Grip Bench Press                    4 x 6 Supersets
Round 4: Biceps & Triceps 
  • Reverse Cable Curls                         4 x 6 Supersets
  • Dumbbell Kick Backs                      4 x 6 Supersets
Cardio/Conditioning: Boxing Drills
Super Set the following:
  • Jump Rope                                     3 minute x 2
  • Tire Drills                                      3 minute x 2
  • Foot work                                      3 minute x 2
Cool Down: Stretch
  • Down Dog & Arm Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Inner Thigh
  • Twists
  • Rollover
Training Location: 2505 Newpoint Parkway NE
Lawrenceville Ga, 30043

Custom Workouts and Meal Plans: Register:
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Leg Day: Power & Explosion

Warm up: Dynamic Treadmill Work
  • Forward Sprint 30 seconds                           4 sets
  • Lateral Shuffles 30 Seconds each side           4 sets
  • Reverse Jog 30 seconds                                4 sets
Round 1: Strength & Joint Warm up
  • Leg Extensions                                           3 x 15  light to heavy                      
  • Leg Curls                                                   3 x 15  light to heavy   
Round 2:
  • Squats with Bar (135 to 315 pounds)            5 sets: 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
Round 3: Explosion
  • Squat Jump with Bar (135 lb)                      5 sets: 10
Round 4: Hamstrings
  • Straight Leg Dead-Left                              3 sets: 10, 8, 6
Round 5: Caves
  • Seated Cave Raises                                   5 sets: 15, 12, 10, 8, 6
Cool Down: Stretch
  • Down Dog & Arm Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Inner Thigh
  • Twists
  • Rollover
Training Location: 2505 Newpoint Parkway NE
Lawrenceville Ga, 30043

More Free Workouts: Register Free @

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chest, Shoulders & Core

Warm up: Abs/Full Body
  • Double crunch straight arm/leg 10 lb 4 x 15
  • Double crunch 10 lb 4 x 15
  • Double crunch low raise 10 lb 4 x 15
Round 1: Shoulders &Core

  • Beginners Handstand 30 seconds
  • Intermediate - Handstand 1:00 minute
  • Advance - Handstand Press 5 to 15 reps
  • Elite - Handstand Press 5 to 15 reps Weighted 5 to 25 pounds
Round 2: Chest & Shoulders

  • Flat Bench Press 135 to 250 lb        5 x 8
  • Revers Fly 10 to 30 lb                     5 x 12
Round 3: Chest & Shoulders
  • Incline Press 135 to 185 lb              3 x 8
  • Side Raises 10 to 30 lb                   3 x 12
Round 4: Chest & Shoulders
  • Cable Fly 50 to 90 lb                       3 x 8
  • Dumbbell Pull Overs 40to 80 lb          3 x 12

Cardio/Conditioning: Speed & Agility

  • 100 Yard Sprints                             5 sets
  • 20 Yard Slaloms
    • Forward                               5 sets
    • Reverse                                5 sets
    • Right                                    5 sets
    • Left                                      5 set
Super Set the following:
  • Jump Rope                                     1 minute x 3
  • Pull Getouts                                    1 minute x 3
  • Bridge                                            1 minute x 3
Cool Down: Stretch

  • Down Dog & Arm Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Inner Thigh
  • Twists
  • Rollover
Training Location: 2505 Newpoint Parkway NE
Lawrenceville Ga, 30043

More Free Workouts: Register Free @

Friday, May 14, 2010

Workout: Arms & Ammo to Get Fit!

Warm up: Core/Abs
  • Double crunch straight arm/leg                           10 lb 4 x 15
  • Double crunch                                                          10 lb 4 x 15 
  • Double crunch low raise                                         10 lb 4 x 15                       
Round 1: Triceps & Biceps Super Sets
  • Close Grip Press                                                         135 to 225 lb 5 x 8
  • Dumbbell Curls                                                           20 to 60 lb 5 x 8

Round 2: Triceps & Biceps Super Sets
  • Dips                                                                               45 to 135 lb 3 x 10
  • Cable Curls                                                                   100 to 180 lb 3 x 10

Round 3: Triceps & Biceps Super Sets
  • Kick Backs                                                                     25 to 50 lb 3 x 15
  • Close Grip Pull Down                                                  100 to 180 lb 3 x 15
Cardio/Conditioning: Eye-Hand Coordination
  • Jump Rope                                                                     3 minutes
  • Vertical Ball Toss                                                          3 minutes
  • Lateral Ball Toss                                                            3 minutes
Cool Down: Flexibility
  • Down Dog & Arm Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Inner Thigh
  • Twists
  • Rollover
Training Location: 2505 Newpoint Parkway NE
                           Lawrenceville Ga, 30043

More Free Workouts: Register Free @

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Why Swim for Exercise?

A Little Bit of Humor... If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?-- George Carlin

Swimming is considered to be the best exercise a man can do. It is one of those few exercises in which all of your body parts are used. It's an effective exercise that will help you to keep in good shape, loose weight and remain healthy. You will feel more refreshed and will be physically fit than your friends. Most people get bored of performing a single exercise but swimming is one of those exercises that won't let you get bored. Here are some benefits of swimming.

1. Improving your capacity: swimming allows you to use your arms, legs and lungs all at the same time. This increases your acrobatic capacity as you are using all of your body parts at the same time.

2. Strengthening your heart: swimming helps you to build your heart muscle which in return allows it to pump blood at a much faster rate. This increases your blood circulation which is good for a person's health.

3. Strength against disease: research has proved that people who have a sedentary life seem to develop heart problems, joint problem and obesity when compared to those who swim regularly. Swimming helps in strengthening your body muscles and provides you with more endurance which helps you to fight against the above diseases.

4. Building muscle: as it is known that water creates more resistance than air so you need to try much hard when it comes to swimming. You have to try 12 times harder when compared to working on land. This makes your major body parts like hips, shoulders, arms and back to exert 12 times more power. As a result of this you develop stronger muscles.

From time to time I love doing push ups between laps!

5. Safe exercise: another benefit of swimming is that it is one of safest and cushioned form of physical exercise a person can find. If a person suffers from joint pains then swimming is a good form of exercises for him. He won't feel any pain while swimming as compared to working out on land. Professional athletes use water for rehabilitation purpose when they suffer injury.

This is one of the main reason I incorporate swimming in Body By FadiMFS Academy programs. I learned this first hand from Competitive Edge Sports. CES is widely recognized as the worldwide leader in elite level sports performance training today. 

6. Workout time: if you are a beginner than you should hire a swimming coach or join a swimming club which offers training services. For beginners 10 to 15 minutes of swimming is enough but if you are a pro than it depends on your capacity and stamina.

No matter what people say but swimming is the safest and most effective form of physical exercise these days.

Finding the perfect Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout routines are a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. 

Other Great Articles: 
Swimming for Women:
50 Swim Workouts:
Go Pro or Go Home! Workout Routines from the Experts.
Would love to hear read your comments!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Workout: Power & Range for Hamstrings & Back

Warm up: Speed, Agility & Stretching 20 minutes

Hamstrings: 15 minutes
Power - Straight Leg Dead-left 5 sets 8 reps (100%+ x BW)
Range - One leg dead-left dumbles 5 set 12 reps per leg

Back: 15 minutes
Power - Pull ups (100%+ x BW) Beginners, intermediate, Advance & Elite use lat pull down cable machine) 5 sets 8

Range - One arm row (balance on opposite leg) 5 sets 12 reps per leg

Conditioning: 6 minutes
2 rounds of jump rope

*   BW - Body Weight

    Beginners (-50% x BW)
    Intermediate (50-75% x BW)
    Advance (75-100% x BW)
    Elite (100%+ x BW)

Training Location: 2505 Newpoint Parkway NE
                           Lawrenceville Ga, 30043

More Free Workouts: Register @