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Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Fact on Fat

A Matter of FAT
As a result of massive media attention to the problems associated with fat in our diets, and the attention it has received by various health and governmental agencies, Americans are beginning to eat less fat. Unfortunately, they’re consuming more calories! This is resulting in a huge upswing in the incidence of obesity in our country. Statistics reveal that roughly one third of the entire adult population of this country is chronically obese (+26 percent body fat for men and +38 percent body fat for women). Another one third of the adult population is clinically obese (+20 percent bodyfat for men and +26 percent body fat for women).

Approximately 50 percent of the average American’s daily calories come from fat. The FDA has recommended that we limit our fat intake to less then 30 percent of our daily calories. While they are to be applauded for their efforts in our behalf, we believe 30 percent is still way too much fat. Here are our recommendations:



Bodybuilders and elite athletes............................................................. under 10 %
Serious fitness enthusiasts.................................................................… under 15 %
People who can’t (or won’t) eat bland, nutritious food............................. under 20 %

Remember, approximately 20-30 percent of your daily calories should come from protein. This will ensure support for your training efforts. Your protein should be eaten at each of your daily meals, and you should try to keep the number of daily meals at five (more for bodybuilders and elite athletes). Keep in mind that most protein sources are usually also high in fat. The remainder of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates (fresh fruits and vegetables).

The Psychology Of Fat Loss
This was developed to help understand why failure occurs for most people when they try to reduce body fat and build muscle. And exactly what you should do if you face failure. This series will help you achieve permanent fat loss and muscle growth. It is a compilation of our own experiences as bodybuilders, athletes, trainers, coaches, and most importantly...human beings. We all had the same problems as you, the same questions, and the same confusion about how to make it happen. But perhaps unlike you, we have succeeded by doing years and years of research, and finally finding a “secret” combination of dieting, training and mental toughness that has allowed us to reach our goals. We call it the “integrated” approach to goal attainment.

The basics of nutrition haven’t changed since Og the Caveman sunk his teeth into a thick leg of raw mastodon. People get hungry, they find some form of food, they eat it to satisfy their hunger, their body uses the food for energy, stores excess as fat, and excretes waste. Modern man added a new twist beyond mere survival instinct. He eats for fun-- to satisfy his gustatory indulgence craving. You should at this time have a good working knowledge of this process and the fundamentals of nutrition and weight training as are carefully outlined in your  My Fitness Solution Workout Program. Here is a quick review of the fundamentals.
  • Always eat for what you are about to do, not for what you have just done. “... before I used My Fitness Solution Integrated Nutrition, Training and Supplementation Programs, I used to sit down to a huge meal right after a hard workout thinking I had to feed starved muscles. This one mistake kept extra fat on me for I know to eat a bigger meal BEFORE working out so I have lots of energy for my workout. Eating a big meal afterwards just turns those extra calories to fat.” When you sit down to eat, ask yourself, “What am I going to do for the next 3 hours of my life?” Then eat more food for high activities, and less for sedentary activities.
  • Always eat a minimum of 5 meals a day; two to three meals just aren't enough. Eating LESS food MORE OFTEN will control your blood sugar levels, you’ll get protein in small amounts through the day to support muscle growth and recovery, and you’ll slow the production of enzymes that store fat, making you biochemically incapable of storing fat! Think of a coal engine that used to power this country’s freight trains. When the train started on a trip, the coal men didn’t throw all the coal into the burner at once. Instead, they shoveled it in small amounts, so the fire burned efficiently. You should do the same thing by eating small meals more often, so you’re fuel burns efficiently.
  • Make sure that each meal’s calories come from the following sources: 55-60% carbohydrate, 30-35% protein and about 10-15% fat. This is the optimal ratio proven by thousands of athletes to be most effective in building muscle and reducing fat levels.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of pure, filtered water each day. You need not wait until you are thirsty.
  • The final rule is that no matter how hard you try, no matter how good a cook you are, or where you buy your food, you cant always eat perfectly balanced meals. Indeed, most responsible performance nutrition experts warn that it is impossible to balance a day’s fare perfectly, particularly when you’re on a calorie-restricted fat loss diet and training hard on a daily basis. Also, you can’t always eat 5-7 times daily. So you MUST use nutritional supplements such as the My Fitness Solution Plus Whey Powder that is part of My Fitness Solution Integrated Nutrition, Training and Supplementation Programs.
With these proven rules stuck firmly in your mind, and the powerful myFitness Journal and Software program making your meal plans and workouts, the question comes up...How could anyone possibly fail in their attempt to burn off fat, build muscle, and acquire washboard abs? How can any athlete NOT reach his or her optimal performance capabilities?

The answer is simple. The people who fail lack sufficient skills in 5 of the 7 CRITICAL Success Areas that are vital to any success in building muscle and losing fat. Success Areas 1 and 2 are provided to everyone by My Fitness Solution Software. These are the printed meal plans and the printed workouts. So what are the other success areas?
  • Success Area 3 is Discipline. In this program we’ll tell you how to develop Iron Will and Bull DogGrit...You’ll have the discipline of a Marine. Other people will describe you as “a strong willed person”. 
  • Success Area 4 is Goal Setting. Without specific goals that have deadlines, milestones and performance criteria, your ship is sailing without a rudder. We’ll show you how set goals, and achieve them no matter what adversity of hardship you face. Remember that history records the successes of men with concrete objectives and a powerful sense of direction, and history forgets small men who are easily overwhelmed by obstacles and adversity. 
  • Success Area 5 is Focus, Concentration and Creative Visualization. Without Ultimate Focus, your plan cannot work. We show you how to get rid of the “Attention Deficit Disorder” we all suffer from. 
  • Success Area 6 is Time Management. Most failures in the area of fat loss are directly connected to this one Success Area more than any other. We’ll show you how to manage your way out of the time trap. 
  • Success Area 7 is Persistence. Calvin Coolidge said, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not’ the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” and it is Winston Churchill who left us with the shortest, but most powerful graduation speech in the history of Oxford University. “Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.” We’ll show you how to have the same mentality as Coolidge and Churchill.

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